Saturday, April 14, 1973

Argent: Topping in the States (Record Mirror)

Argent:  topping in the States

WITH their latest album, In Deep, climbing fast towards the Hot 100 in America it seemed feasible to expect that Argent would be dashing constantly along the airways - the roadies take to the freeways - during their current Stateside trip.  In fact, the group have been notching up considerable mileage, but their concert appearances are being kept to a reasonable amount.
    Instead of undertaking an eight week tour, Argent's management have arranged for the group to spend four weeks in America, returning to England for two weeks, before they fly off once more for a further spell across the Atlantic.


    The original plan was for the group to stay for four weeks each time, but with the rising demand for them to make more appearances, it looks like their second visit could be more prolonged.
    "We're working in New York tonight," Russ Ballard told me, calling from the luxury of the Summit Hotel on the East Side of town.  "It will be our first real New York gig this trip because we played at My Father's Place in Long Island earlier on... but tonight we're in the Bronx.  We're on a double bill with the Kinks... it's a double-double bill, but we go on before them."
    The last time that they toured America Argent were working as second on the bill to other artists, but this time around they're topping most of the concerts.
    "That means we can do the same length set as we do in England," Russ explained.  "Before we were doing only about 40 minutes, which was rather restricting, but this time we do the same as in England, only we include Liar."
    Was that, I wondered, because Three Dog Night had made the number so successful in America.
    "Well no, not particularly," says Russ.  "Mainly because we've found that it fits nicely in between two songs, Dance Of Ages and Fakir."
    Argent had tried this new formation of numbers at the four gigs they had completed when we talked... including two in the depths of Alabama.
    "We played at Birmingham and in a place called Dothin," Russ recalls.  "It was the first time they'd had an English band down at Dothin, and it was quite an experience.  The audience were mainly young white people, with a few black people as well.  But the best gig so far was the Birmingham one which was really, really good.
    "We've had to cancel one performance because the electrical system in the hall, which was in New York, burnt out.  That meant we had a few extra days off."


    As Russ had returned from Argent's last American trip somewhat devoid of new material for the group to record, I wondered if he had taken that opportunity to work on his songs.
    "Well I haven't got an acoustic guitar with me now," he explained.  "It got smashed up on the 'plane coming over.  I could buy a new one I suppose, but I don't find that I can write over here very well, anyway."
    In some of their spare time Argent have been visiting the cinema.
    "We've seen what you could describe as a porny film," laughs Russ.  "It's produced by the same person who did Deep Throat, and it's quite amazing!  I'm not sure that it would get passed for Britain!"
    And on a more artistic level, the group also visited a club to see an American group Aero Smith handled by their stand-in manager, Steve Lieber.  Max's in Kansas City - "an eating and raving place" - has also been graced by Argent.  On their travels I asked Russ if he had seen much evidence of teenyboppers in the States.


    "It does exist over here," was the reply.  "But it's not quite reached the point that it has in Britain.  They've got Osmond freaks and David Cassidy freaks, though.  But it doesn't really affect us.
    "At Dothin we had an audience of three thousand and we'll have audiences of ten thousand on some of the dates.  It's true that with a small audience you can get more of a rapport, but to make money it's essential to do the big gigs... and of course you reach more people that way."
Argent plan to reach the people on the West Coast of America during the second half of their tour.  In the meantime they're all looking forward to spending a little time at home.  Robert Henrit is hankering to return to his pregnant wife Ricky - their baby is due in July - and Russ Ballard aims to move into a new home in Cheshunt when the tour is over.  Then there is a possibility that both of them will be flying off to Norway to work on a new album that Adam Faith is planning.
    And after that, once more, it will be time for Argent to work on their own album.  Which rather indicates just why the group have adopted the policy of a yearly tour in Britain and America!

Val Mabbs